Mayan Ruins

Chichen Itzá

Center of great religious and commercial power, reached its peak at the end of the Early Postclassic period (900-1200 AD). Its name means "mouth of the well of the Itzá".

Chichen Itza was one of the most important cities in this period besides being known as the last Great Mayan Empire.

The Kukulcán Temple.

The Castle of Chichen Itza is a large temple that occupies 55 square meters of land with 24 meters high, with stairs to the 4 corners, each with 91 steps, 9 successive platforms that make up, 52 engravings of mythological figures, two great stone statues representing the Feathered Serpent God Kukulkan (also known as Quetzalcoatl) at the base of the stairs on the north side. Chichen Itza is an archaeological complex made up of many monuments, among which is the pyramid of Kukulkan, better known as El Castillo. The pyramid itself has much to offer. In addition to its majestic architecture, the beauty of Maya art and sacred statues, is an impressive calendar. The pyramid of Kukulcan is synchronized with the movements of the stars and many aspects of the Mayan calendar. All of them with fascinating details. 

Here are some of the reasons why visiting Chichen Itza is a fascinating experience,same ones for which the pyramid of Kukulkan is considered one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World.

It is a monument of ancient times. It is believed that the pyramid of Kukulkan was built around 960 AD This means it was built about 1040 years ago. This is a fairly significant number of years, which reveals the quality of Mayan buildings. When you travel to Chichen Itza remounts all these years in history and share the experiences and experiences and traditions of a culture of tens of centuries ago. In fact, the Chichén Itzá pyramid allows us to take a trip at the time of the most fascinating. 
Technical Quality.
Regarding the technical quality with which these temples were built, there is much to say from the viewpoint of architectural, engineering and astronomy. The pyramid of Chichén Itzá was built with an engineering optimum performance, as, despite its more than 1000 years after it was built, still stands without further damage by the passage of time. From the architectural point of view, we see that the design of the place is beautiful. It is not necessary to be an expert to realize that the disposition of place, the aesthetics of the walls and structure, and their proportions are a way to evoke the word "harmony". From the astronomical point of view, we can say that the pyramid shows the great progress that the Maya had about this kind of knowledge. The pyramid is not only aligned with the movement of the equinoxes (which is very complicated even for modern techniques), but their structure is synchronized with much of the data and components of the Mayan calendar. This is an example of the great knowledge and great advances of the Mayan culture in their way of thinking and technique.

Impressive synchronization with astronomical phenomena. 

The Temple of Kukulcan is aligned with the equinoxes of March 21st and September 22nd. In these periods, travel and seeing these phenomena is impressive. You can see how the God Kukulkan (Feathered Serpent) descends at the pyramid. During the equinoxes, the pyramid casts a shadow divided into 13 spaces of light triangular in shape (the 13 spaces correspond to a measure of time harmonics of the sun on the Mayan calendar), the 13 spaces form the shape of the feathered serpent , whose size reaches 35 meters. This figure has two statues in front of the north entrance of the temple who represent it. The figure comes out the portal of the two statues and joins with the heads of them perfectly. The phenomenon is beautiful and thousands of people travel to Chichen Itza each equinox to witness it.

In addition to this curious phenomenon, the pyramid has all sorts of aspects related to important numbers in the Mayan calendar. Thus, the pyramid is built at 9 platforms that represent the 9 levels of the underworld and the 9 lords of the night  for this culture.

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